Photography: Introducing, The Peacekeepers
The Peacekeepers Are Us
While playing once again with my Niki that I haven’t caressed for quite a while now, I got these small toys of my boy as my subjects. This 3-member group is called, The Peacekeepers! They have no superpowers, yet! LOL!
My purpose really is to exercise how to take a photo with sharp object and with soft background. They say, one thing to be done, is to distance your subject from the background while setting your DSLR to a large aperture. So below are the results of my trial and error snaps.
F-stop f/5.6
Exposure time 1/125 sec.
ISO speed ISO-100
Focal length 55 mm
Max aperture 5
F-stop f/5.3
Exposure time 1/125 sec.
ISO speed ISO-100
Focal length 44 mm
Max aperture 4.8
F-stop f/5.6
Exposure time 1/125 sec.
ISO speed ISO-100
Focal length 55 mm
Max aperture 5

I am The Safety Officer, you'll only find me when everything's safe, if not, you will not find me. 🙂
F-stop f/4.5
Exposure time 1/60 sec.
ISO speed ISO-100
Focal length 28 mm
Max aperture 4.3
F-stop f/5.3
Exposure time 1/60 sec.
ISO speed ISO-200
Focal length 36 mm
Max aperture 4.7
F-stop f/4.8
Exposure time 1/60 sec.
ISO speed ISO-200
Focal length 32 mm
Max aperture 4.5
Hope you enjoyed my snaps which are the result of my photography exercise. I am not sure if I am getting the right results in here but I think these are fine. But I am sure there are so many things that I need to learn on how to make great photos. If you are into photography, please do leave your comments/suggestions regarding my takes.
Thank you very much. Cheers!
All photos are done with:
Nikon D60
Buit-in Flash
Manfrotto Tripod free editing tool