Our Humble Independence Day Commemoration
Are We Really Free?
Some of my friends back home in the Philippines were saying that this year’s Philippine Independence Day seemed like an ordinary day. Though It was declared holiday, they felt different. No rush, or that little excitement we used to have on the previous years.
So many things happened that affected all of us Filipinos. First, the political bickering which resulted to the historical impeachment of a Chief Justice, Renato Corona and made us constituents questioning the rectitude of our justice system and to our government as a whole.
Second, the somewhat orchestrated defeat of the supposed to be historical American Idol winner Jessica Sanchez. Seems like we Filipinos are still being looked down by many and are still unaccepted in the mainstream society.
Third, the controversial loss of the world’s number one pound for pound boxer Manny Pacquiao which put us into perdition.
With all these, it goes back to the same question of our fathers’ fathers long time back;”are we really free”?
But just to forget all these unpleasant truths, all of us Filipino expats in our company here in Dubai commemorate the 114th Independence Day of our beloved The Philippines in a very humble way. Our own way of remembering those brave people who fought against the Spaniards century ago.

Puto cheese, pichi pichi, cassava pudding, pansit, lumpia shanghai and kuchinta. 🙂 Nice KKK shirt bro!
As a Filipino, I felt honored and grateful to Google Philippines for honoring our dear Las Islas Filipinas with their ever popular, ever creative and ever fun doodle.
Mabuhay and Pilipinas!