Best Deal I Got From Dubai Summer Surprises
Prestigio MultiPad 8.0 Pro Duo
My wife and I were contemplating as to what tablet to buy for the second time after our son’s first cheap Coby tablet’s life ended after just a few months. 🙂 One thing to expect from buying cheap goods. Good thing is, Dubai Summer Surprises 2013 is here once again. It started on June 7 and will end this July 7. A month-long yearly bargain shopping activity flocked by tourists  from all throughout GCC.
Last Thursday, after hours of eyeing for the replacement, we saw this best deal as part of DSS. Ssssshhh, we really feel the need of replacing our son’s tablet to avoid any arguments with him and not make his nanay’s (mother’s) laptop, his own especially when his mother is so at it with candy crush. My wife prefers to play it on a wider screen than on her S4. Hahaha.
Buying an expensive tablet though like iPad, Galaxy or Playbook was not part of the plan. For a 3-year old like our son, we think, it is not that practical for him. Our son is only after those game applications to enjoy when he’s not watching TV, and at times opening YouTube for his favorite cartoon videos.
So we bumped into this Prestigio brand. First time for me to hear such a brand, but after trying its MultiPad 8.0 Pro Duo on, an 8″ HD LCD Display tablet with 1.5 GHz Cortex A9 CPU, 8GB Flash Memory, Multi-touch Screen, USB Host, Micro SD Expandable Storage, Web Camera, Full HD Video Playback, HDMI Output, and WIFI ready with a pre-installed 4.1 Android OS; we instantly gave it a go. But another reason why we bought it, is because it comes with a MultiPad 7.0 Ultra+ for FREE. LOL! For the two, we only have to pay Dhs 699/- ($ 190/-).
What happened is that, my wife agreed that we’ll have the 8.0 Pro Duo and the 7.0 Ultra+ is for our son. We can’t give him both or else he’ll end up breaking one of it too soon. 🙂 We arrived home, late already, my son is asleep and so his 4-month old sister. I then checked the 8.0 Pro Duo tablet and found it to be good. Yup, only all good not great. It is because the LCD display is a bit glary.  That’s only one thing, the rest are okay like speed and navigation and the price which is very reasonable.
In the morning, the little tablet was his wake-up surprise and he happily unwrapped it by himself.
So far, both the Prestigio 8.0 Pro Duo and 7.0 Ultra+ are working alright. Thanks to Prestigio and thanks to Dubai Summer Surprises for giving us this best deal for a tablet.