Women Dominate The Social Media World
Social Media Means Women?
It is but timely to share this significant change with regards to women’s status, who, for hundreds of years ago, were deprived of their rights and were just left given less importance in the society. In celebration of International Women’s Day, this post goes to all the women out there who never gave up fighting to get all those rights they deserve.
The same group of people who gave us a very well-made infographic about best gadgets months back, are now once again giving us this thought-provoking info graphic about women today.
This infographic illustrates how open the world is now compared before, towards women, that even in social media, which is considered to be a man’s world, is now being dominated by women.
The infographic, in a way, answers questions like, why kitchens are now ruled by men (Gordon Ramsey, Jamie Oliver, Anthony Bourdain among others) which is considered to be a woman’s world; this because women are now running big media platforms like Huffington Post to mention one, which was founded by Arianna Huffington.