Eraserheads On A Bus In London – Classic
Singing “Waiting For A Bus” On A Bus
Now that this all-time favorite Filipino band, Eraserheads, is once again making headlines on print, radio, TV and net with their London Tour, this brings the question again by many; did they really breakup? Answer is, technically yes, but by heart no! C’mon, that’s just a simple money-making strategy. LOL! Don’t get me wrong but they have the right to do that. Not just because they’re popular then and now but because they’re great! That simple!
This is a number one fan here. Forget about all that crappy things now. E’heads will remain.
While watching the short clip, I was reminded of their great reunion concert held in Dubai Media City Amphitheater sometime back. Thanks to Earnest Zabala for the clear vid.