OS X Yosemite On My Macbook Pro Is Cool

OS X Yosemite Version 10.10
It took me 24 hours to completely download the OS X Yosemite version 10.10 and it was worth the wait. A very well improved interface with great, new and fresh looking icons. Everything has become light. But it made my pro pretty faster this time. Noticed it right after setting up the Yosemite. That also right away proves their claim that Safari browser with the new OS X, is faster than Chrome and Firefox. 🙂
With all the other improvements, I’d say the newly positioned center address bar just looks great especially when your favorites, history, bookmarks and frequently visited sites, lined up and arranged accordingly; will pop up like an overlay. Same great look when you open your Safari for the first time of your session.
That black tiny dots appear below the icons in the dock of the already opened apps will help you in finding them fast. Especially if you are doing system upgrade which requires shut down but only will, if all apps are closed. Simple addition but with big impact. 🙂
The previous OS X Mavericks which was released October 22, 2013, was good, only that it has now become obsolete with the arrival of OS X Yosemite which was released October 16, 2014. Almost a year since my last upgrade and just so you know, this version is the eleventh major release of Apple’s operating system.
I still have a lot to explore with Yosemite but this free upgrade is very cool. Apple is right, it is like I am now having a brand new Macbook Pro again. Kudos!
Upgrade your OS now!