The Big Bad Wolf Dubai 2018 Experience!
Books, Lots of Books
Online and Social Media have eaten up most of the print related industries but attending for the first time The Big Bad Wolf Dubai 2018, it says the other way around and I was like flabbergasted with two reasons.
One is that, it was a rare occasion to see where people are glued in book hunting and not on their smartphones. Two is that, a throng of people came to the venue (which is by the way far and is located somewhere south), in Sound Stage, Dubai Studio City.The two alone expel the idea of replacing actual printed books with e-books.
With smartphones and e-readers like Kindle by Amazon, reading at one point in time has become a big hit. Considering the mobility and easiness it gives to bookworms like you. (Anyway, you may check that Kindle below if you prefer having e-reader).
And the first ever Big Bad Wolf Dubai 2018 is another manifestation that people still love to read books where they can flip from pages to pages with their fingers. Some even crave the smell of books which to them, are like that of chocolate or coffee.
As of this posting, the #BBWDubai2018 is at Sound Stage Venue in Dubai Studio City. It was a bit far from the center of Dubai but man, I don’t know where those people come from.
The Wolf’s Origin
On their website, it said that it started in 2009 in Malaysia and it just keeps on growing reaching to other neighbouring countries and now, here in Dubai, UAE.
They just brought 3 million books of all sorts that even my kids were amazed at how varied the choices were. Like my son, I was also in heavens seeing his big grin after securing several copies of Minecraft books aside from other non-fictions he picked up.
If you are that keen enough to look for those marked books, you would end up bringing home with half of the total amount you are paying for a regular priced ones.
The Big Bad Wolf Dubai 2018 is a success. A great way for knowledge expansion for everyone and a good diversion for kids who are into technology immersion.
I’d love to see this again next year.
Please support sounds funny and the not so funny by making your purchase on Amazon.