About The Blog

Sounds Funny And The Not So Funny

It started out of curiosity when “blogging” propelled to popularity along with the rise of world wide web or internet significance. Inspired by the famous collegehumor.com, break.com, icanhas.cheezburger.com among others, this blog came into being.

But then, not every instance is meant to be funny. Focusing and limiting to just one so called “niche” would also be so boring. And so, Sounds Funny And The Not So Funny blogs about everything interesting, in Dubai (as where the authors are currently based) and beyond.

Sounds Funny And The Not So Funny would love to share any kind of experiences and caters current events, celebrations, reviews, food stuff, technologies, music, movies, family, but all these are depending on the authors’ free time like when the 2 kiddos are asleep.

The main author Filman Santiago (Filsan Lamberang) is a Filipino expat, a journalist by profession, an online ad specialist, a social media influencer, a photographer wannabe, a music lover, a grammer, a loving husband and a loving father, a movie freak, a gadget geek, a foodie etcetera.

The co-author (Suhlest) is the wifey of the main. She is a Filipino expat too, a financial analyst, a supermom to Yuri and Yana, a super loving wife, a foodie but one who eats pizza with fork and a knife.

Now if you’ve got something worth writing about, anything for review, places, sponsored post, launching (but only for non-working hours and weekends), or guest blog, etc. please drop us an email.

Note: all contents, views, opinions and ideas expressed by the authors on Sounds Funny and the Not So Funny are their own. They do not represent their respective employers.

Keep visiting! Cheers!